Our team

Magdalena PYJOR
Chief Executive Officer
Since 2019, she has been the Chief Executive Officer of CHEMLEX Sp. z o.o. The expert with many years of experience, specializes in EU legislation in the field of chemicals and fertilizers as well as national fertilizer legislation of individual European Union countries.
In many years of career she was the Chairwoman of the Polish delegation in the Fertilizer Regulatory Committee at the European Commission and in the Working Group on Fertilizers at the European Commission. For many years, she was the member of technical groups established by the European Commission on the amendments of the EU fertilizer legislation, and from 2016 an expert in the G07 group for Technical Harmonization at the Council of the European Union. She was an expert in the REACH and CLP Committee at the European Commission and in the Group on International Environmental Aspects of the Council of the European Union. For ten years, a member of the Polish delegation at COP meetings of the Stockholm, Rotterdam and Basel Conventions. She was an expert at the Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Development, Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology.
She also gained professional experience in the pharmaceutical industry at PLIVA (currently Teva Operations Poland) in the Quality Documentation Department.
Graduated of master’s studies at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow at the Faculty of Chemistry at the Department of Chemical Technology. A graduate of postgraduate studies in the field of Hazardous Substances and Chemical Emergency at the Military University of Technology in Warsaw.
Participant of numerous conferences, seminars, lectures, trainings in the EU and in third countries, including being an expert of the European Union, she conducted training for representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture in Georgia in the field of fertilizer legislation and REACH.
Interests: trekking.
Knowledge of languages: English – advanced.

Chief Operating Officer
Since 2019, she has been the Chief Operating Officer of CHEMLEX Sp. z o.o. The expert with many years of experience in the field of EU and national chemical and fertilizer legislation. She specializes in The United States of America chemical regulations, including the Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act, which replaced the previous Toxic Substances Control Act TSCA.
Associated with the chemical industry for twenty years as for example member of the Sherpa Sub-group of the High Level Group for the Competitiveness of the European Chemical Industry (HLG) established by the European Commission, the expert at Methane to Markets, currently the Global Methane Initiative established by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USA). She was an expert at the Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Economy, Labor and Social Policy, Ministry of Development, Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology.
The areas of activity include the development of legal acts, free movement of goods, implementation of directives into the national legal order, negotiation techniques, community law in the field of intellectual property and industrial property protection.
She also gained experience at the Industrial Chemistry Research Institute in Warsaw as an Assistant at the Lightweight Organic Synthesis Department.
A graduate of master’s studies at the Faculty of Chemistry of the Warsaw University of Technology in the field of chemical technology, speciality in the technology of high-energy materials. Postgraduate studies at the University of Warsaw, European Center in the field of European integration in industry monitoring.
Participant of numerous courses and trainings, incl. in the field of textile industry management organized by the International Cooperation and Development Fund in Taiwan, management and marketing in the pharmaceutical industry in Bielefeld Germany, training in ECJ jurisprudence and directives.
Interests: science fiction literature, windsurfing, kitesurfing.
Knowledge of languages: English- advanced, Russian – advanced.

Graduated of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow at the Faculty of Energy and Fuels, specialization in Chemical Technology. Management study at the School of Entrepreneurship and Management at the University of Economics in Krakow and postgraduate studies in Management Leaders at the Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) has been completed.
In 2012 she was associated with the pharmaceutical industry at Teva Operations Poland. Involved in the preparation of draft quality agreements and their updating with manufacturers of active and auxiliary pharmaceutical ingredients.
From 2013 connected with the oil and gas industry. Initially dealing with the design of installations for the chemical, petrochemical and refinery industries.
Since 2014 she has been a project engineer in the oil and gas industry dealing with the delivery of subsea equipment and solutions for global companies extracting oil and gas from the seabed. She works for global clients in the Subsea Engineering.
In addition, she took an active part in research in the field of catalysis at the University of Barcelona and in the Oil & Gas Process Design workshop at APS Designing Energy in Rome.
Interests: Iberian culture
Knowledge of languages: English – advanced, Spanish – advanced, Norwegian – during studying